Romanovstra is a musical success story that has been captivating audiences since its inception in 2010 in Ottensheim, a village near Linz, Austria. Founded by Romanian singer Nicu Stoica alongside local musicians, the band has forged cultural and musical connections between Romania, Bosnia, Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Mühlviertel region of Upper Austria.


This band is fundamentally about the people—their contributions to the band and their openness to embracing unfamiliar cultures and musical expressions. In a world that desperately needs unity, their approach fosters a sense of togetherness by transcending personal differences through a shared love of music and the soul it embodies. Perhaps, in doing so, it may contribute to creating a more interconnected and harmonious world.


Peter Endres and Andreas Fuchshuber lay down the driving Balkan beat, while Gigi Gratt adds depth and diversity with the tres (Cuban guitar) and trumpet, creating rich solos and polyphonic melodies. These are further enhanced by Georg Schwantner on saxophone and multi-instrumentalist Günter Felix Wagner. 


Paul Hofmann provides both powerful basslines and delicate grooves on the ukulele, adding to the band's dynamic sound. In 2015, Karina Fedko joined Romanovstra, bringing a deep understanding of Roma culture. She not only learned one of the many Roma dialects during her time in Roma villages across Eastern Slovakia and the Czech Republic but also immersed herself in their culture, which adds an authentic resonance to Stoicas vocals.


Since 2019, Johannes Schöppl has brought his passion for Roma music to the band, enriching their sound with his accordion, trombone and percussion. His musical expression is shaped by his extensive experience in South America and India, contributing to the bands eclectic style.


The result is a unique and powerful fusion of sounds—a band that unleashes vibrant storms of song, music, and dance, captivating audiences with their energetic performances.